Kingston College (KC) the boys rankings in the Champs 2022 Points Standings

Kingston College (KC) and Edwin Allen high schools dominated over the five days to capture the respective team titles at the 2022 ISSA Grace Kennedy Boys and Girls Championships – Champs 2022.

The five-day championships, which began on Tuesday (5), concluded on Saturday (9) with some standout performances all across the respective classes in both genders.

READ MORE: Champs 2022 results and broken records on  Day 5

Edwin Allen High retained its girls’ team title after topping the points standings with 352points from the 46 scored events. Hydel High finished second with 295 points, followed by St. Jago High with 249, Holmwood Technical with 174, and Excelsior High with 107 rounding out the top five in the team points rankings.

Edwin Allen High was winning its eighth straight girls’ Champs title and its ninth overall crown. #Dominance!

In the meantime, Kingston College (KC) returned to the top of the rankings on the boys’ side after tallying 372 points from the 42 scored finals to dethrone Jamaica College.

JC finished second in the team points standings with 300.83 points and was followed by Calabar with 170 points, while St. Jago High with 147 points and Edwin Allen High with 95, completed the top five.


Women – Team Rankings – 46 Events Scored ===============================================================

1. Edwin Allen High 352

2. Hydel High 295

3. St. Jago High 249

4. Holmwood Technical 174

5. Excelsior High 107

6. St. Catherine High 83

6. Wolmer’s Girls School 83

8. Immaculate Conception 76

9. Vere Technical 53

10. Camperdown High 38

11. St. Mary High 26

11. Mount Alvernia High 26

13. Manchester High 23.50

14. Alphansus Davis High 23

15. Clarendon College 22

16. St. Elizabeth Technical 20

17. Lacovia High 19

18. Petersfield High 17

19. The Queen’s School 15

20. Port Antonio High 14

21. Ferncourt High 11

22. Glengoffe High 10

22. St. Andrew High 10

24. Bustamante High 9

25. Dinthill Technical 6

26. Alpha Academy 4.50

27. Steer Town Academy 4

28. Maggotty High 3

29. Holy Childhood High 2

29. Bellefield High 2

29. William Knibb Memorial 2

29. Denbigh High 2

33. Green Island High 1

Men – Team Rankings – 42 Events Scored ===============================================================

1. Kingston College 372

2. Jamaica College 300.83

3. Calabar High 170

4. St. Jago High 147

5. Edwin Allen High 95

6. St. Elizabeth Technical 88

7. Excelsior High 56

8. Wolmer’s Boys School 55

9. Herbert Morrison Technical 35.33

10. Manchester High 32

11. Camperdown High 25

11. Petersfield High 25

13. Port Antonio High 23

14. Cornwall College 22

14. St. Catherine High 22

16. Ferncourt High 21

17. Clarendon College 17

17. Maggotty High 17

19. Muschett High 13

20. Vere Technical 10

21. Lacovia High 7

21. St. Mary’s College 7

21. Steer Town Academy 7

24. Foga Road High 6

24. Spot Valley High 6

24. Titchfield High 6

27. William Knibb Memorial 5

27. Bellefield High 5

29. St. Mary High 3.50

30. Greater Portmore High 3

30. Rhodes Hall High 3

30. B.B. Coke High 3

33. Campion College 2.33

34. Happy Grove High 2

34. Jonathan Grant High 2

34. Bridgeport High 2

37. Dinthill Technical 1

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